Friday, December 17, 2010

WOW...haven't done this for a while

Soooo....tyring to keep up with family, kindergarten, boys, and life...getting hard...but LOVE my family and feel so blessed! Want to try and keep this up as long as I can. With Christmas Break upon us (two days early...thank you Old Man Winter)...I will probably add as much as I can!

Benton's Theatrical Debut as a Christmas Tree
Yep...Singing "Must be Santa"...but I do not think that was the song the group was singing!

Keaton and Santa!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Time

Baby Benton!

Paul and Benton by our Chirstmas Tree

How cute is that???

It was a fast first 3 months...Benton is getting so big...and getting more adorable each new day. The pictures speek for themselves!
Benton loves getting his pictures with mommy and daddy. He is at the age that he is starting to recognize faces and he LOVES his grandparents and his shirt tells all..."Who needs Santa, I have Grandparents".
His other shot is a shot of him in his car seat after a trip to Mum's and Pee-Paw's (jennie's parents) at their house for dinner.


My little guy was a pumpkin on his first Halloween.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Benton's First Few Weeks

In the past few weeks...we have taken numerous pictures of our newest little guy...Benton John Hamilton. We are very new to this "blogging" stuff please bare with us as we learn and try to post as many photos to keep our friends and family updated!


Paul and Jennie